Generosity Corner

Abundance for Strengthened Community
Generously Provided by:

A-1 Pioneer Moving & Storage
A-Lign Company
Albanian Lighthouse Foundation
Alcanzar la Victoria Church
Ample Harvest​
America First Credit U​nion
​Angmar Incorporated (Greek Orthodox)
Aposhian, Suzette Huhtala (Founder Scarfs in the Park)
Armenian Orthodox Church
Art Access
Ascension Lutheran Church Quilters
Assistance League of Salt Lake City
Workers Compensation Fund
Baha'i Anti-Racism Fund​
Bishop Storehouse
Brother Dynamics Inc
Suzi Boyle Giving
Cafe Med Restaurant
Calvary Thrift Shoppe
Capital Cares & Capital Cares Utah
Mario Castaneda & Son
Cathedral Church at St. Mark (Downtown SLC)
Catholic Community Services
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Christ Lutheran Churc​h (LCMS)
Christy & Carlos Garcia and Family
Christy & Bob Blodgett
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Local members of The Church of Jesus Christ of
  Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake Valley, Midvale,
  Murray, Lehi & South Salt Lake areas

Church Mutual Insurance
Church Women United (Ecumenical)
City of South Salt Lake (Government)
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Crossroads Urban Center (Methodist)
Crumbl Cookies (Bountiful)
CWC World Community Day
Dan's Fresh Market
Dave Pratt Estate
Deseret Industries
Discovery Church
Dixon Family Foundation
Edwards Family Auto & Towing
Eccles Foundation
ELCA Deaconness Association
Episcopal Diocese of Utah
Good Earth Natural Foods
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Youth
First Presbyterian Church Youth Ministries (Boise, Idaho)
First United Methodist Church
First United Korean Methodist Church
Gail Johnson
Gartmann Estate (Clifford F. Gartmann, Grace Lutheran Church member)
Global Sisters Fund​
Grace Lutheran Churc​h & Schools (LCMS)
Marion D. and Maxine C. Hanks Foundation​
Harmon Foundation
Harmon's Supermarket Chain
Heart & Soul Foundation
The HoneyBee Conservancy
Marian & Bob Hunt
Intermountain Community Care Foundation
Jackson Food Extra Mile Stores
Janet Jenson, Attorney

Ms. Janna Lauer (Founder of Heart & Soul Foundation)
Jetro/ Restaurant Depot, Inc.
Gail Johnson
Olivia Juarez (La Raza/SUWA)
Kalliopeia Foundation
Kartchner CPA Firm (Jerry C. Kartchner, PA)
Kennecott Copper Found​ation
Kolschowsky Foundation​
Kroger's Foundation
LCMS Women's Network (Utah/Idaho)

Larry H & Gail Miller Foundation
Lee's Marketplace Foods
Lever Pulley/Central ​Point Systems
Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations
Lucky Grocery Stores
Macey's Grocery Store
Make A Difference Now Foundation
Marco's Pizza
Maverick Stores Inc.
McDonalds Corporation
Michael Lucarelli, Professional Musician
Millcreek Gardens
Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church (ELCA)​
Mountain America Credit Union
JP Morgan Services Inc
My Stuff Bags Foundation
Nia Imani Foundation (CA)
Barry R. Martin
Park Family Musicians
Parliament of World Religions
Aletha Taylor Paskett & Her Generous Family
Philotoptokos (Friends of the Poor) Women's Society
Pizza Hut
RC Willey
Rocky Mountain Power Green Initiative
RioTinto Foundation
Rotary Club of Millcreek
Royal Heritage Music

St. Elias the Prophet Greek Orthodox Church
St. Francis of Assisi Christian Church (DOC)
St. James Episcopal Church
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Salt Lake County Government
Salt Lake County Health Department
Salt Lake Inter-Faith Round Table
Salvation Army
Sam's Club

Pastor John Sandstrom & Jacqui Sandstrom
Scarfs in the Park SLC, UT (on Facebook)
Serve Refugee Sharehouse

Souper Bowl of Caring - Touchdown Donors:
   Deborah Labenski
   Dorothy Lonnecker
   Dorothy Pappas Owen
Smith's Food & Drug Stores, Inc.
South West Wilderness Alliance (SUWA)
Spiritual Directors International (SDI)
Stanley Morgan
Starbucks Coffee Company
State Farm Insurance Elaine Runyan (Layton)
State of Utah Government
State of Utah Department of Health
State of Utah Dept of Treasury STR Fund
State of Utah Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
State of Utah Department of Workforce Services
State of Utah USERVE
State of Utah Workers Compensation Fund
Suzi Boyle Giving
Target Stores
The Store Grocery Stores
Thrivent Financial​
Title Max (3300 So SLC)
Unified Police Department (Officer Bettina Allen)
United States Chef' Store
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Government EFA Funds
United States Government Combined Federal Campaign
United States Government COVID-19 SBA Funds
United States Treasury
United States Marine Corps
Utah Foam Products
Utah Food Bank​
Utah State University
Utah Transit Authority
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Walmart Inc.

Wasatch Presbyterian Church
Winco Foods, Inc.
Kelvin B. Williams, Regional Ins Representative
Women of the ELCA
World Vision
Xlear Corporation

Individual Fiscal Donors
Anonymous (Multiple)
Carlos Baez
Bill Besancon
Jose Bonilla
Lew & Linda Brown
Gloria Callahan
Marie Compre-Adams (Christian Science Practitioner)
Jens Day
Berthana Drossos
Deb Elstad​
Buddy & Meredith Franck

Joan Lorena Frear & Family
Carlos Eligio Garcia​
Christy & Carlos Garcia and Family
Bertha Hardridge
Sharen Hauri
Pastor Charles Hines
Lee Kruetzer
Duane Lee
Dorothy Lonnecker​
Sarvend Madadov & Family
Mia & Nia McNulty​
Edith & Thomas Mitko
Holly Molberg
Park Family
Rivera Robles Family
Halimatu Isata Sesay​
Ellen & Charles Silverblatt​
Suzanne Smart
Cynthia & Luis Valino and Family
Wagner Family
Ralph Wakley
Alvina & Dan Wall​
Melinda Wexler
White Extended Family (Chuck White; Pat Mise)
Alan & Lisa Whited
John & Cheryl Whited
Rev. Dr. Leslie Ann Whited & Mr Jose Bonilla
Steve & Brenda Whited
Cherie Wood

MOSAIC honors Holy servants/heroes
who practiced radical generosity
and gave freely of their talents, service
and gifts to build MOSAIC ministries as
an an-going legacy to bless the wide
and diverse Utah community.

We honor these every day MOSAIC heroes,
saints, who have made their transition
to the heavens, to the Holy.

 As Joseph Campbell notes,
A hero is someone who has given
his or her life to something bigger
than themselves."

MOSAIC Saints Memorial List (22)
Doug Bertrand
Pat Callahan
Richard Fetzer
Emily Fonua
Buddy Frank

Howard Irvin
Iva Irvin
Pastor Duane Jensen
Jungjin Kim
Wanda Lingo
Kay Miller
Nawal Mohamad
Maryam Antara Mohammad
Sophia Park
Dave Pratt
Dennis Ravenberg
Pastor Bob Schrank
Allysun Scoville
Leo Wagner
Ligia Zecena
Lisa Wiley & Cassidy Jackson