Spiritual Social Ministry
All-Loving God,
We know you accompany
have preference for
count every hair
hold under your wing
the most vulnerable
and so you are with
the displaced
economic immigrants
and you are especially
with the people of
that is sure.
Ahh, God of Love, You Alone,
can bring good out of evil.
that is...
After the 2016 national election, as a private citizen, I grieve that nearly half of Americans eligible to vote did not vote. Some would say that this is because they weren't ‘inspired.’ Yet, the truth is that it is our great duty, delight and honor to cast a vote in a democracy. It is not entertainment. It is not second to whatever else is going on. It is not if we 'like' the candidate or the candidate looks like us or says what we want to hear. It is about being a discerning and wise people making an ever-better democracy where everyone counts, and it begins by voting. Doing nothing is still doing something. Together, we will now reap what we, as a whole people, have sown.
May we learn from this experience to vote, to make our voice heard. If it is...
MOSAIC Presentation For Church Women United Salt Lake Metro
Christian & Multi-Faith Women Panel USA Ecumencial Christian Women's Organization, 1941-
Dr. Leslie Whited’s Devotion - Sharing at the Table See Also: ChurchWomen.org
In the early Christian Church, sharing at the table meant taking extra bread, wine and food after worship to those most in need. Early carved frescoes show deacons, women and men, sharing from the altar to those most in need. There was a continuous flow from remember God to remembering where God chose to be – being present to, hanging out with, and really serving in transformative ways: prisoners,...
Thursday, is Manna Market day from 8:30-11 am at MOSAIC Inter-Faith
Ministries, 4392 South 900 East, Salt Lake City. This past Thursday,
Angelica, truly an Angel for us, and I, entered in each person arriving for
free food, clothing and household goods, with Quickbooks On-Line.
Quickly, given technological glitches, we realized that there really
are important priorities as we serve in the world:
God, Chocolate, Coffee and really good Books - in that order!
Please consider going to MOSAIC’s website: LSSU.org, and pressing the COVID Health tab for really great materials on body-mind-spirit health during this Pandemic!
19 By the sweat of your face
you shall eat bread
until you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken;
you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.”
Genesis 3:19
Christians around the world entered the season of Lent this past Wednesday. Just like Moses (Exodus 34:28), Elijah (1 Kings 19:8-9) and Jesus (Matthew 4:1-2) entered intense wilderness experiences for 40 days and 40 nights, we too enter 40 days and nights of introspection, prayer and fasting. On Wednesday, a cross of ashes was put on the forehead of young and old as the...
Royal Baptism & Beyond: Sermon Preached 1/5/2019 at Timpanogas Women’s Prison, St. Francis Church
Recently, Jose and I, and two Christian volunteers from MOSAIC Inter-Faith, made the traditional journey at the beginning of the year to Crystal Hotsprings in Honeyville, Utah. It is an amazing place that has recently been remodeled. Right here in Utah, it has the highest mineral count for any hot springs in the world. It is a soak that naturally, without drugs or alcohol, pulls out all the tension in your body for less than $15 and gas to get there. You can go in and out all day. People bring in little barbeques and food for lunches and dinner. It is picturesque too. I have such memories still of the hot mists rising up against the mountains on...
Collective Sermon: Sisters of St. Francis Church, Timpanogas Prison
Today our scripture is the central theme of “Bloom Where You are Planted: the Lenten theme books written by women and men in prison and published by the Prison Congregations of America based on the following scripture:
1 Corinthians 3:6-9 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have a common purpose, and each will receive wages according to the labor of each. 9 For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.”
Honestly, don’t all of us have a tendency to ‘go it...
Everything passes away. Where we are camping today was once covered with water followed by life in forms like the trilobite, something like a tiny fish or minnow. For those who have seen the latest Jurassic Park, dinosaurs roamed the earth, right where we sit right now, and they left big, huge, footprings. Their own fossils and petrified bones were left behind so we can prove this fact. Humankind, less gentle with the earth, leaves today's footprints.
All of this, Creation, our sinnerness-saintness humaness, was part of God's creativity. We have an infinitely creative God that loves us and integrates humankind into a beautiful tapestry of survival, life and beauty.
Camping, for us at Mt. Tabor, is an annual reminder of our...