
  • eGiving

Why move to online giving?

Now has been a great time in this pause to evaluate how things are working, what is going well and what things need to be changed? That can be difficult for anyone, but it’s particularly challenging for an extremely taxed inter-faith leadership whose mission is to serve others without charge as they get back on their feet and become independent --- particularly in time of multiple traumas and crisis.
A deliberate pause can also help an Agency evaluate the positives and negatives of its vision, mission, and programs in relation to giving.  With Vanco eGiving profiles, MOSAIC supporters sign in, view and change their eGiving methods (credit card and eCheck) and can donate on their terms.

Through your generosity, MOSAIC is able to assist seniors and elders, and their families through the in-home senior program; assist refugees and economic immigrants through multiple programs focused on health, education and employment; and to assist all Utahns, with very needed basics to employment services!  With e-giving, and your generosity, MOSAIC is able to assist 1 in 25 Utahns, and staying open during difficult times such as these: the recent earthquakes, wind storms and the COVID-19 virus context.  For every $1 you give, MOSAIC is able to multiply your contribution with $25.35 additional dollars in real, tangible, gifts of in-kind labor and products.  Your gift to MOSAIC is matched and enriches all faiths and the wide-community!

Our doors remain open, and at the same time, MOSAIC has added eGiving as a service, to support the huge increase in client needs.  eGiving lets you set-up recurring and one-time online giving through the MOSAIC website using a credit card or eCheck through your bank.  eGiving is safe and secure, and it allows you to designate your contribution to what the programs and projects you are most passionate about.

eGiving is simple; and, if needed, simply contact Dr. Leslie Whited, CEO (text or call: 801-721-2641) or email us with any eGiving questions, so we can give you more information or help you get set-up with ease. Thank you again for supporting MOSAIC Inter-Faith Ministries and the diverse community we all work so hard to nurture.  You are Light in this World!

I support Mosaic Interfaith Ministries because because Mosaic provides desperately needed support for some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Mosaic provides immigrants, homeless people, and others in need with food, helps them meet their household needs, find employment, and navigate unfamiliar and difficult government processes. Mosaic is making a difference. Lee Kreutzer


How to donate online

Ways to Give

General Gifts
▪   General support of MOSAIC
     Inter-Faith Ministries


Additional Gifts
▪   Senior Assistance Program
▪   Refugee Integration Program
▪   Basics to Health, Education
     & Employment Program
▪   Manna Market & Pantry
▪   Green Waters Health Center
▪   More Blue Sky Employment
▪   Winter Give-A-Way